Terms of Use

1. Background

  • (a) These Terms of Use (Terms) are a legal agreement between you or your transferees, assigns and successors in title (User, you or your) and One Stop Warehouse Finance Pty Ltd ACN 609 758 143 (OSWF, us or we) for:
    • (i) the GreenDeal services available on the Website (Portal); and
    • (ii) the application known as ‘GreenDeal Solar App’ which is operated by us (App),
  •        together, the Platforms.
  • (b) These Terms also apply to all Upgrades we make to the Platforms from time to time.
  • (c) If you are intending to assign your rights in a small-scale technology certificate (STC) to OSWF pursuant to our STC trading platform or services, you acknowledge and agree that these Terms are intended to be read in conjunction with the STC Trading Terms and Conditions, located https://www.greendeal.com.au/tradingtermsandconditions and any other terms and conditions you have accepted as part of those terms, as amended from time to time.
  • (d) If there is any inconsistency between these Terms, the STC Trading Terms and Conditions or any other terms and conditions accepted, the STC Trading Terms and Conditions will prevail to the extent of the inconsistency.
  • (e) If you are accessing or intending to access the OSW Website or receive services from OSW, you acknowledge and agree that access to the OSW Website or receipt of services from OSW will be subject to the further terms as set out on the OSW Website.

2. Accounts

2.1 Creation of account

  • (a) To utilise the services in the Platforms, you will need to register a GreenDeal Account with OSWF by completing an online registration form. To be eligible for a GreenDeal Account, you must:
    • (i) be over 18 years old;
    • (ii) have all legal and necessary rights, power, capacities and authority to enter into these Terms and to perform the obligations required of you under these Terms; and
    • (iii) accurately complete all required information on the online registration form.
  • (b) You must not use a false identity to create a GreenDeal Account, or falsely state, impersonate or otherwise misrepresent your identity when creating the Account.
  • (c) If you already hold an OSW Account, you may also be able to link your GreenDeal Account with your OSW Account. If you utilise this service, you consent to any information about you or provided by you or your Personnel that is held by OSW under the OSW Account being made available to OSWF.

2.2 Acceptance of account

  • (a) OSWF may at its discretion accept or deny your application to create a GreenDeal Account. Once your application is accepted by OSWF, you may use the Platforms in accordance with these Terms.
  • (b) You must not:
    • (i) sell, lease, license, rent, loan, trade, share, timeshare or otherwise transfer or deal with your GreenDeal Account to another party; or
    • (ii) allow any third party to access your GreenDeal Account.

2.3 Suspension and termination of account

  • (a) OSWF may at any time modify, restrict, suspend, discontinue, terminate or close your GreenDeal Account or any part of the services in the Platforms without notice at any time and without any liability to you, including without limitation, if:
    • (i) a Potential Breach has occurred;
    • (ii) there is any Defective Installations;
    • (iii) you have made or use abusive, threatening, derogatory or defamatory statements/language with OSWF or its Personnel;
    • (iv) in OSWF’s sole discretion, that doing so is necessary to enforce these Terms and/or other terms and policies of OSWF that you have agreed to; or
    • (v) in OSWF’s opinion, any suspicious behaviour by you may result in any damage, loss or liability to OSWF.

3. Users

3.1 Types of users

  • (a) The way in which you use the Platforms will depend on whether:
    • (i) you are a retailer intending to sell or assign its rights in an STC to OSWF via the Platforms (Retailer);
    • (ii) you are an installer engaged by a Retailer to install certain equipment at an agreed location with the Retailer’s end customer and/or have registered as an installer via the Platforms (Installer);
    • (iii) you are a designer engaged by a Retailer to design the installation of certain equipment at an agreed location with the Retailer’s end customer and/or have registered as a designer via the Platforms (Designer); or
    • (iv) you are an electrician engaged by a Retailer or an Installer to install or otherwise certify the installation of certain equipment at an agreed location with the Retailer’s end customer and/or have registered as an electrician via the Platforms (Electrician).
  • (b) For the purpose of these Terms, Retailers, Installers, Designers and Electricians will together be referred to as Users.
  • (c) The Users shall bear several and joint liabilities with its Personnel.

3.2 Installation Data

  • Without limiting any other obligations in these Terms, each User:
  • (a) must provide the Installation Data relevant to that User as set out in the Platforms as soon as possible after each relevant installation is completed;
  • (b) must provide additional information in connection with the Installation Data upon reasonable request by OSWF at any time:
  • (c) warrant that, by providing your signature in the Platforms or otherwise providing any certification in the Platforms:
    • (i) you hold all licences, certifications, approvals, authorisations and other permits applicable in connection with the Installation Data;
    • (ii) all Installation Data and any other declarations provided by you through or in connection with the Platforms are true, accurate, complete and up-to-date in all respects; and
    • (iii) you hold all necessary and lawful consents and other authorisations to enable lawful transfer of the Installation Data to OSWF through the Platforms for the duration and purposes of these Terms so that OSWF may lawfully use, process and transfer such Installation Data. In particular, if you:
      • 1) take photographs of the products installed at the Installation Address;
      • 2) take photographs of the Owner for witnessing purposes, recording the Owner's signature assigning his or her or their rights in the potential STC; or
      • 3) electronically record the signature of the Owner,
      • you must obtain or ensure you obtains the Owner's express consent with respect to:
        • a. the taking or recording of such Installation Data or signature prior to providing and uploading such Installation Data or signature to the Platforms; and
        • b. the right to access, preserve, store, use, adapt, compile, disclose, share, transfer or deal with such Installation Data or signature by OSWF in accordance with OSWF’s Privacy Policy;
  • (d) is responsible for the content of any Installation Data that is uploaded by you or on your behalf and OSWF takes no responsibility for the accuracy or the content of the uploaded Installation Data; and
  • (e) warrant that all information and data you provided to OSWF, and OSWF’s use of such content, will not infringe the Intellectual Property Rights or any other rights of any third party.

3.3 Content of Data

  • (a) OSWF has no obligations to submit the Installation Data to CER and has the right to withdraw any submission to CER in its sole discretion. OSWF will only submit any Installation Data to CER if it reasonably believes the Installation Data complies with the requirements of REE Legislation and OSWF is satisfied with the Installation Data.
  • (b) If the CER refuses or fails any STC application because any of the Installation Data submitted by you is misrepresented or otherwise not correct, OSWF shall have no liability to you.
  • (c) If the Installation Data you upload contains any Malware, OSWF will not be responsible for any costs, losses and/or damages sustained by you and you indemnify OSWF against any such claims. You further indemnify OSWF against all costs, losses and/or damages that OSWF may sustain arising from your breach of this clause.
  • (d) OSWF expressly assumes no responsibility for, without limitation, backing up your Installation Data or damage to your Installation Data. You are responsible for ensuring that you have any necessary backup of all Installation Data and Documentation.

4. Term

  • These Terms will begin on the date that you accept these Terms or otherwise commence using the Platforms and until:
  • (a) you cease to use the Platforms; or
  • (b) these Terms are terminated by either party under clause 11 (Term).

5. Grant of Licence

5.1 Licence

  • In consideration of complying with the terms of these Terms, OSWF grants you a royalty-free, revocable, non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, non-transferable licence to use the Platforms for the Term in Australia.

5.2 Your obligations

  • (a) You must:
    • (i) only use the Platforms for the purpose it has been developed for;
    • (ii) promptly report any errors, defects or malfunctions with the Platforms to us;
    • (iii) create a user name and password only for yourself to gain access to your GreenDeal Account and be responsible for the protection and security of your account information, password, log-in or access details or other security measures and all activities that occur under your user name;
    • (iv) maintain the confidentiality of your user name and password and not disclose any security measures to any other person;
    • (v) keep all account information up to date and promptly notify OSWF of any known or suspected breach of security or unauthorised use of or access to your account;
    • (vi) comply with:
      • (A) these Terms;
      • (B) all applicable laws, regulations, rules, and codes; and
      • (C) any reasonable directions issued by us from time to time in relation to your use of the Platforms.
  • (b) Where the correct user name and password are provided for the purpose of accessing or using the Platform, OSWF is entitled to assume that the access is by you and you indemnify OSWF completely against any claim of direct/indirect loss or damage, including trading losses, that results from wrongful, fraudulent or other access (using the correct user name or password) to the Platforms.

5.3 Upgrades, updates etc

  • (a) We will provide you with reasonable notice of any Upgrades to the Platforms where such Upgrade would materially affect your use of the Platforms.
  • (a) You acknowledge and agree that older versions of Platforms may become inoperable and OSWF is not obligated to support older versions of the Platforms.

5.4 Maintenance etc

  • You should be aware and agree that OSWF may from time to time without notice suspend access to the Platforms or disconnect or deny your access to the Platforms in the event of technical failure, modification, event of Force Majeure or maintenance of the Platforms. OSWF will use its reasonable endeavours to procure the resumption of access to the Platforms as soon as reasonably practicable.

6. Additional Conditions of Use

6.1 Prohibitions on use of Platforms

  • You must not:
  • (a) transfer, sell, sublicense, monetise or make the Platforms available to any third party;
  • (b) copy, rent, lease, distribute, pledge, assign or otherwise transfer or encumber rights to or in the Platforms;
  • (c) remove, modify, or conceal any product identification, copyright, proprietary, intellectual property notices or other marks from the Platforms;
  • (d) reverse engineer, decompile, decrypt, disassemble, modify, or make derivative works of the Platforms;
  • (e) use any OSWF Content other than as part of your permitted use of the Platforms;
  • (f) interfere with other Users’ access to, or use of, the Platforms, or with the security of the Platforms;
  • (g) facilitate the attack or disruption of the Platforms, including a denial of service attack, unauthorized access, penetration testing, crawling, or distribution of Malware;
  • (h) upload any data that is of a pornographic or unsavoury nature;
  • (i) undertake or cause an unusual spike or increase in your use of the Platforms that negatively impacts the Platform’s operation; or
  • (j) submit any information or data to the Platforms that is not contemplated as instructed by the Platforms or in these Terms.

6.2 OSWF’s rights

  • OSWF may:
  • (a) Upgrade the Platforms at any time; and
  • (b) perform scheduled maintenance of the Platforms and the related infrastructure used to provide the Platforms. Where reasonably practicable, we will provide you with advance notice of such maintenance. You acknowledge that, from time to time, OSWF may need to perform maintenance without providing you with advance notice, during which time OSWF may temporarily suspend your access to, and use of, the Platforms; and/or
  • (c) stop providing the Platforms, including component functionality by providing reasonable prior written notice on its Website (Discontinued Platforms).

6.3 Acknowledgements

  • You acknowledge and agree:
  • (a) if you use the Platforms together with any third party products, then such use is solely at your own risk;
  • (b) you are responsible for complying with any third party provider terms, including its privacy policy;
  • (c) OSWF does not provide any support or guarantee ongoing integration support for any hardware or software that is not the Platforms;
  • (d) open-source software not owned by OSWF but used in connection with the Platforms is subject to separate license terms. OSWF will endeavour to ensure that open-source software licences will not materially affect your ability to exercise your rights under these Terms; and
  • (e) the Platforms have not been developed to meet your individual requirements, and that it is therefore your responsibility to ensure that the facilities and functions of the Platforms as described in these Terms meet your requirements.

7. Confidential Information

  • (a) You agree to hold in confidence, and use no less than reasonable care to avoid disclosure of, any Confidential Information of OSWF to any third party, except for your employees, affiliates, and contractors who have a need to know such Confidential Information (Permitted Recipients).
  • (b) You:
    • (i) must ensure that your Permitted Recipients are subject to written confidentiality obligations no less restrictive than your obligations under these Terms; and
    • (ii) are responsible for any breach of this clause 7 by your Permitted Recipients.
  • (c) The obligations in clause 7(a) do not apply:
    • (i) to the extent necessary to enable disclosure required by law;
    • (ii) to any disclosure agreed in writing by OSWF;
    • (iii) where the Confidential Information has entered the public domain other than as a result of a breach of this document or other obligation of confidence; or
    • (iv) that is already known by, or rightfully received, or independently developed, by you of that Confidential Information free of any obligation of confidence.
  • (d) Upon the reasonable request of OSWF and otherwise on termination or expiry of these Terms, you must either return, delete or destroy (at the option of the other party) all Confidential Information of OSWF.

8. Intellectual Property Rights

  • You agree that:
  • (a) all Intellectual Property Rights in and to the original created components of the Platforms (including but not limited to in any images, photographs, animations, video, text, design, know-how and proprietary information incorporated into the Platforms), and any copies of the Platforms are owned by OSWF;
  • (b) you have no Intellectual Property Rights in or to the Platforms other than the right granted to use the Platforms in accordance with the terms of these Terms; and
  • (c) all title and Intellectual Property Rights in and to additional third party libraries and content accessed through use of the Platforms is the property of the respective content owner and these Terms grants you no rights to use such content; and
  • (d) you grant us a non-exclusive, royalty-free, worldwide, transferable, and sublicensable licence to access, preserve, store, use, adapt, compile, disclose, share, transfer or deal with:
    • (i) the Installation Data; and
    • (ii) any other information or material uploaded into the Platforms by you, for any purpose in connection with the ordinary course of our business.

9. Your Indemnity

  • You agree to defend, indemnify, and keep indemnified OSWF and our Personnel from and against any claims, losses or damages including, without limitation, reasonable legal and accounting fees, arising from or in connection with:
  • (a) your breach of these Terms;
  • (b) any Defective Installations or Potential Breach in relation to you;
  • (c) your uploading of information (including the Installation Data) to, access to, or use or misuse of the Platforms;
  • (d) unauthorised, wrongful, fraudulent or other access (using the correct user name or password) to the Platforms;
  • (e) any illegal or wrongful act by you; and/or
  • (f) your breach of any third party terms or Intellectual Property Rights.

10. Privacy

  • (a) Both parties must comply with all applicable requirements of the Data Protection Legislation.
  • (b) OSWF may collect, use and disclose your personal information, namely your profile information, transaction history, job records, feedback, and other information made available by you or your Personnel in the Platforms (as applicable) to OSW and its related entities in accordance with the Privacy Policy for the purpose of making you aware of promotions terms, facilitating your sign up to or job creation and management in your OSW Account, or other purposes in order to streamline your experiences in using services provided by OSWF and OSW. For more information, please visit our Privacy Policy available on the Website.
  • (c) Without prejudice to the generality of clause 10(a), you will ensure that you have all necessary and appropriate consents and notices in place to enable lawful transfer of any personal information to OSWF and its subcontractors for the duration and purposes of this document so that OSWF and its subcontractors may lawfully use, process and transfer the personal information in accordance with this document on your behalf and, if applicable, all consents and notices necessary to send and distribute communications relating to using the Platforms.
  • (d) OSWF may use any personal information disclosed to us in, through or in connection with the Platforms in accordance with our Privacy Policy located on our Website.
  • (e) OSWF shall notify you immediately if it becomes aware of any security incident affecting its network and information systems that could potentially affect you and shall respond without delay to all queries and requests for information from you about any security incident, whether discovered by OSWF or you.

11. Promotions and Offers

  • (a) OSWF may offer additional promotions and offers by written notice to you. All activities related to future promotions will be governed by the terms and conditions of OSWF and its related entities, as available on the Website from time to time (Promotional Terms).
  • (b) The details and execution of the promotions including availability, offers, content and any associated benefits, are subject to the Promotional Terms, as amended in our sole discretion. We encourage you to carefully review the Promotional Terms.

12. Termination and Suspension

  • (a) Either party may terminate these Terms at any time without cause by giving the other party 14 days advance written notice.
  • (b) A party may terminate these Terms immediately on written notice to the other party if the other party:
    • (i) breaches these Terms and does not remedy that breach within 7 days after receipt of written notice of the breach from the party; or
    • (ii) suffers an Insolvency Event.
  • (c) Without limiting its rights under clause 12(a), OSWF may immediately terminate these Terms if:
    • (i) you breach clause 2, clause 3.2, clause 5.2, clause 6.1, clause 7, clause 8 or clause 10 of these Terms; or
    • (ii) OSWF suspends or terminates your access to the Platforms in accordance with clause 2.3.
  • (d) Upon termination of the Terms:
    • (i) OSWF will terminate all your access to the Platforms;
    • (ii) you must stop using the Platforms and the licence granted by OSWF under clause 5.1 will immediately cease;
    • (iii) where OSWF terminates the Terms for your breach, you must immediately pay OSWF the balance of all outstanding fees until the end of the then current Term;
    • (iv) each party must comply with their obligations under clause 7(d); and
    • (v) without limiting your obligations under clause 7(d), you must destroy any copies of the App and our Confidential Information within your control.
  • (e) Clauses 3.2, 3.3, 7 to 9 and 12 to 16 will survive the expiration or earlier termination of these Terms.

13. Limitation of Liability

13.1 Exclusions

  • Without prejudice to other rights of OSWF contemplated in these Terms, to the extent permitted by law:
  • (a) and without limiting the rights you may have under the Australian Consumer Law, OSWF expressly disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including without limitation, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title, compatibility, security, accuracy or non-infringement;
  • (b) OSWF will have no liability for any damage caused by errors or omissions in any information or instructions you provide to OSWF in connection with the Platforms;
  • (c) OSWF will not liable to you for any loss, destruction or other damage caused by you failing to back up the Installation Data;
  • (d) OSWF does not warrant, guarantee or represent that the use of the Platforms will be uninterrupted or error free; and
  • (e) OSWF will have no liability where your ability to use the Platforms, or the Platform’s operation or availability, is affected due to third party utilities, systems, or services used for accessing the Platform (including due to failure or delays in relation to public telephone services, computer networks or the internet, or due to third-party platform services that support the delivery of the Platform) being unavailable from time to time.

13.2 Maximum liability

  • To the extent permitted by law, the total liability of OSWF arising under or in connection with these Terms is limited in the aggregate to AUD$100.

13.3 Consequential loss

  • To the maximum extent permitted by law, in no event shall OSWF be liable for any Consequential Loss arising out of or in connection with these Terms.

13.4 Mitigation

  • Each party must mitigate any loss they suffer as a result of the breach by the other party to this document or any warranty or indemnity provided under this document.

13.5 Australian Consumer Law

  • To the extent that any rights cannot be excluded (including under the Australian Consumer Law) then OSWF’s liability will be limited to, at its election:
  • (a) repair or replacement of the Platforms; or
  • (b) a refund of the fees paid by you for the non-conforming Platforms.

14. Force Majeure Events

14.1 Notice of Force Majeure

  • A party will not be liable for any delay or failure to perform any of its obligations under a purchase order if as soon as possible after the beginning of the Force Majeure Event affecting the ability of the party to perform any of its obligations under this document, it gives a notice to the other party that:
  • (a) specifies the obligations the party cannot perform and fully describes the Force Majeure Event;
  • (b) estimates the time during which the Force Majeure Event will continue; and
  • (c) specifies the measures proposed to be adopted to mitigate, remedy or abate the Force Majeure Event.

14.2 Obligation to remedy and mitigate

  • The party that is prevented from carrying out its obligations under a purchase order as a result of Force Majeure Event must remedy the Force Majeure Event to the extent reasonably practicable and resume performance of its obligations as soon as reasonably possible.

15. General

15.1 Assignment

  • (a) You must not assign, novate, subcontract, or resell, in whole or in part, any of your rights or obligations under these Terms without OSWF’s prior written consent.
  • (b) OSWF may assign, novate, or otherwise transfer, in whole or in part, any of its rights and obligations under these Terms without your prior written consent. You must execute all documents reasonably required to give effect to this clause.
  • (c) OSWF may subcontract, in whole or in part, any of its rights and obligations under these Terms without your prior written consent.

15.2 Amendments

  • You acknowledge and agree:
  • (a) OSWF may vary these Terms at any time by general notice shown in the entry page or home page of the Platforms.
  • (b) Any variation of these Terms will take effect on the date specified on the notice.
  • (c) If you do not wish to accept the amendments, please notify us before the date the amendments take effect and OSWF will terminate your GreenDeal Account.
  • (c) If you continue to use or access the Platforms after the amendments come into effect, you will be deemed to have accepted the amendments.

15.3 Compliance with laws

  • Each party will comply with all laws and regulations applicable to their obligations under these Terms. OSWF may restrict the availability of the Platforms in any particular location or modify or discontinue features to comply with applicable laws.

15.4 Governing law

  • These Terms, and any disputes arising from it, will be governed exclusively by the law of Queensland, Australia and the courts having jurisdiction in Queensland.

15.5 Notice

  • Any notice delivered by OSWF to You under these Terms will be delivered via email, to the address set out in the Purchase Order.

15.6 No waiver

  • If we do not insist immediately that you fulfil an obligation under these Terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you regarding your breach of these Terms, these actions will not mean you do not have to fulfil your obligations and it will not constitute a waiver of our rights under these Terms.

15.7 Severability

  • If any portion of these Terms is not enforceable, it will not affect any other terms and the unenforceable term will be severed to the extent it is possible to do so, while the remainder of the term is given effect.

15.8 Entire Agreement

  • These Terms constitutes the entire statement of the agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter, and merges and supersedes all other or prior communications, understandings, purchase orders, arrangements and agreements (whether written or oral). The parties acknowledge that they may enter into other agreements (including incidental to these Terms) for the supply of goods or services.

15.9 Translations

  • OSWF may provide local language translations of these Terms in some locations. You agree that those translations are provided for informational purposes and if there is any inconsistency, the English version of these Terms will prevail.

16. Definitions

  • In these Terms:
  • Australian Consumer Law means Schedule 2, Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth).
  • CEC means the Clean Energy Council of Australia.
  • CER means the Australian Government's Clean Energy Regulator which administers and enforces the REE Legislation.
  • Confidential Information means any information relating to the business and affairs of a party, its clients, employees, sub-suppliers or other persons doing business with a party, these Terms including without limitation with respect to the Platforms, the Intellectual Property Rights of a party or which is by its nature confidential or designated as confidential by a party or which the other party knows or ought to know is confidential, and includes all trade secrets, knowhow, marketing, financial and customer information, forecasts, and strategies and any other commercially valuable information of a party.
  • Consequential Loss means any consequential, indirect, incidental or special loss including without limitation loss of profit, loss of revenue, business interruption, loss of business, loss of opportunity, loss of reputation or loss in connection with breach of third party contracts or arrangements.
  • Data Protection Legislation means:
    • (a) the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act) and any ancillary rules, guidelines, orders, directions, directives, codes of conduct or other instruments made or issued under it, as amended from time to time;
    • (b) the Australian Privacy Principles (or APPs) contained in schedule 1 of the Privacy Act; and
    • (c) all other laws, regulations, registered privacy codes, privacy policies and contractual terms applicable in the jurisdiction where the Platforms are being provided that relate to the processing of personal information.
  • Defective Installations means any installation of a SGU/SWH at the Installation Address by you that is:
    • (a) not manufactured, designed and/or installed in accordance with the REE Legislation, Safety Regulations and/or Industry Guidance; or
    • (b) associated with or specifically related to a Potential Breach.
  • Documentation means the technical specifications and usage materials provided by OSWF to you that specifies the functionalities and capabilities of the applicable Platform.
  • Force Majeure Event means a matter beyond the reasonable control of a party and includes without limitation an act of God, national emergency, terrorist act, sabotage, flood, storm, earthquake, fire, explosion, epidemic, pandemic, civil disturbance, insurrection, riot, war, industrial action, lockout, rebellion, quarantine, embargo and other similar governmental action or a general and continued energy shortage, power or utilities interruption, but cannot apply with respect to the payment of money due under this document.
  • GreenDeal Account means the online account with OSWF registered through the Website or App (as applicable).
  • Industry Guidance means information, data and materials that the clean energy industry commonly uses to assess materials, contractors and/or products, such as any list in relation to installers, approved makes and models, products, and inverters that is published by a reputable industry body such as the CER, CEC or other such body.
  • Insolvency Event means any of the following events concerning a party:
    • (a) if an administrator, liquidator, receiver, receiver and manager or other controller is appointed to, or over, any of the property or undertaking of the party;
    • (b) if the party is unable to pay its debts when they become due and payable;
    • (c) if the party ceases to carry on business; or
    • (d) if any event happens in Australia or any other country or territory in respect of a party that is similar to any of the events or circumstances referred to in this definition.
  • Installation Address means the physical address where the SGU/SWH has been installed by you or your Personnel as noted in the STC Assignment Form.
  • Installation Data means:
    • (a) the Installation Information;
    • (b) any other data owned or supplied by you to which OSWF is provided access to in connection with the Platforms (including without limitation the Installation Information), which may include personal information; or
    • (c) data generated, compiled, arranged or developed by either you or OSWF in connection with the Platforms that relates to you or your use of the Platforms.
  • Installation Information means all information:
    • (a) provided to us through or in connection with the Platforms in relation to the installation of the equipment at the agreed location of the Retailer’s customer; and
    • (b) otherwise required by us to obtain ownership of or the benefit of small-scale technology certificates.
  • Intellectual Property Rights means all industrial and intellectual property rights throughout the world, whether registered, unregistered or unregistrable, including all copyrights, patents, trademarks, service marks, designs, confidential information, trade secrets, know how, data and databases, systems, and domain names.
  • Malware includes but is not limited to hacking, defects, worms, Trojan horses, spyware, adware, corrupted files, hoaxes, viruses, blended threats and/or unauthorised access, denial of service events or other items of a destructive/deceptive nature.
  • OSW means One Stop Warehouse Pty Ltd ACN 161 849 323.
  • OSW Account means an online account with OSW, registered in accordance with the OSW Terms and Conditions available at https://osw.energy/au/terms-and-conditions.
  • OSW Website means each website operated by OSW to distribute solar products and provide related services, including https://www.osw.energy/ and its subdomains.
  • OSWF Content means any content or data:
    • (a) provided by OSWF to you as part of your use of the Platforms; and
    • (b) that the Platforms generate or derive in connection with your use of the Platforms.
  • For the avoidance of doubt, OSWF Content includes geographic and domain information, rules, signatures, threat intelligence and data feeds and OSWF’s compilation of suspicious URLs.
  • Owner means, in respect of a specific system/unit, the person entitled to create the STCs associated with such system/unit.
  • Personnel means a party’s directors, officers, employees, agents and contractors, as the context permits; with respect to Retailer, its Personnel shall include its assigned Installer, Designer and Electrician.
  • Platforms means the Portal and App as governed by these Terms.
  • Privacy Policy means the privacy policy available on the Website, located https://www.greendeal.com.au/privacypolicy, as amended from time to time.
  • Portal means the online portal available on the Website, as governed by this document.
  • Potential Breach means instances where:
    • (a) an STC application and/or you are under investigation;
    • (b) an STC application and/or you may be in breach of the REE Legislation, Safety Regulations or Industry Guidance;
    • (c) it is reasonably believed that you submit falsified/forged documentation for the purpose of processing STC applications; and/or
    • (d) it is reasonably believed that you may have breached these Terms or other terms and policies of OSWF that you have agreed to.
  • REE Legislation means the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000 (Cth), Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 (Cth), and guidance by CER, CEC, Australian Solar Council and/or REC Agents Association.
  • Safety Regulations mean all federal and state laws in respect of work health and safety, such as the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (QLD); Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011 (QLD); and codes of practice and other corresponding laws in the state where the SGU/SWH is installed.
  • SGU means an eligible small-generation unit under the REE Legislation.
  • STC Assignment Form means the OSWF STC assignment form (including all required/supporting Installation Data) whereby the Owner(s) assign to OSWF all rights to/in the creation and ownership of the STCs in accordance with the REE Legislation.
  • SWH means an eligible solar water heater under the REE Legislation.
  • Term has the meaning given to that term in clause 4.
  • Upgrades means all updates, upgrades, bug fixes, error corrections, enhancements and other modifications to the App or Portal.
  • Website means the website located at https://www.greendeal.com.au/, as amended from time to time.