Update Job System
Path: /pvds/update_system.json
Example: https://www.greendeal.com.au/rapi/v1/pvds/update_system.json
Request Parameter
Parameter | Type | Is Required? | Note | Example |
id | String | Yes | "GWT383595" | |
system | Hash | No | See system params info |
System params info
Parameter | Type | Is Required? | Note | Example |
installation_type | String | Yes |
Type of Installation so far there are four types: "New System" -> "new_system" "Replacement system" -> "replacement_system" "Extension system" -> "extension_system" "Additional system" -> "additional_system"
When you select either replacement, extension or additional system to indicate the Installation type, there will be a field (Additional/Upgrade System Information) where you will be able to add any additional relevant information. This filed is not mandatory for replacement systems and mandatory for extension or additional systems. Additional information is required to explain the location of the new system/components in relation to the old system. Please provide a simple description such as ‘The new system is located north of the existing system’. |
"new_system" |
connected_type | String | Yes |
Type of Connected so far there are two types: "on-grid" "off-grid" |
"on-grid" |
is_battery | String | Yes |
The system has a battery storage? is_battery=true batteries is required is_battery=false the batteries will not be saved |
"true" |
install_date | Date | Yes |
installation date
Note: Cannot update the parameter after panel installed. |
"2018-10-10" |
install_on_building | Boolean | yes |
System mounting type 1.value=true install on building or structure 2.value=false Ground mounted or free standing |
"true" |
deemed_years | Int | No | default 13 | "12" |
additional_capacity_details | String | Yes | required when type is "extension_system" or "additional_system" | Existing 3kw system located on north roof. 6 new panels replaced/upgraded to old system. Located on south-west, facing south. |
install_additional_information | String | No | ||
inverters | Array | No |
See inverters info
Note: The information is the same as before if set as null or not included in the request body,but the new inverters sent by API will be instead of the old inverters. |
panels | Array | No |
See panels info
Note: 1.Cannot update the parameter after panel installed. 2.The information is the same as before if set as null or not included in the request body,but the new panels sent by API will be instead of the old panels. |
batteries | Array | No |
required when is_battery is "true" See batteries info |
Panels params info
Parameter | Type | Is Required? | Note | Example |
brand_id | Int | Yes | brand id, see get panel brands | |
watts_per | String | Yes | See get panel brands | "12" |
qty | Int | Yes |
Inverters params info
Parameter | Type | Is Required? | Note | Example |
brand_id | Int | Yes | See get inverter brands | |
qty | Int | Yes |
Batteries params info
Parameter | Type | Is Required? | Note | Example |
brand_id | Int | Yes | See get battery storages | |
qty | Int | Yes |
Request Example
"client_id": "23565656e63f33016ad7f4f338a6f70be78c136addbbb9c803d09756c6ee93f1",
"signature": "2dc1b977b376a2fd26bf05c1f15da59b",
"timestamp": "2019-08-02T10:31:50+11:00",
"id": "GWT383595",
"system": {
"installation_type": "new_system",
"connected_type": "on-grid",
"is_battery": "true",
"install_date": "2019-08-05",
"install_on_building": "true",
"additional_capacity_details": "6 new panels replaced to old system",
"panels": [{
"brand_id": 1001,
"watts_per": "12",
"qty": 1
"inverters": [{
"brand_id": 84,
"qty": 1
"batteries": [{
"brand_id": 3433,
"qty": 1
Response Example
See Get Stc Job Response